Medical Vision and Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Medical Vision and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (MVAIT) is a research group located at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Novena, Singapore, working on research projects in medical data interpretation, computer vision, health informatics and artificial intelligence in medicine. MVAIT focuses on AI in healthcare and clinical translation. The objective is to advance medical artificial intelligence with a specific focus on medical data interpretation. The mission of MVAIT is to develop AI models that can transform the healthcare industry, complement the expertise of medical doctors and introduce efficient medical technologies to the society.

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Construction of web going on at MVAIT

You can go to the ‘Position’ tab if you are keen in doing research at MVAIT. Some of the positions available at MVAIT are:

  • PhD students
  • Postdocs
  • Software engineers
  • Student interns
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Commercial and Industry Partners

MVAIT welcome sponsors and collaborators from commercial, industrial and public organizations.

  • Companies who wants to sponsor a specific project
  • Design and implement AI technologies
  • Drug Discovery
  • By funding MVAIT, you contribute to the advancement of AI in healthcare and make an impact in the society. Do contact MVAIT to discuss potential collaborations or funding.
  • MVAIT welcomes collaborations with industry partners, academic institutions, and public agencies who wants to work with MVAIT to transform the healthcare industry. Please contact MVAIT if you are interested in partnering with MVAIT to advance healthcare technologies for the Society.
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MVAIT aims to transform healthcare in the region and globally, introducing affordable and holistic medical technologies to the society.